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Comments and Complaints Policy

Comments, suggestions or complaints about your visit to the London Nose & Sinus Clinic


We want the service users’ treatment at the London Nose & Sinus Clinic to be as professional and satisfactory as possible, and welcome their feedback.


There may be times when you feel we have not provided or delivered the quality of service you expected and wish to complain. We want to work with you to solve any complaint using the following guidelines:


  • Please make your complaint in writing

  • Give us as much detail as possible


All complaints are dealt with professional and confidentially. We endeavour to listen and act effectively to resolve the issue as soon as possible, without discrimination.



Comments and suggestions


Please write in with comments to: 

The Clinical Director 

London Nose and Sinus Clinic

Suite 3b Lister House

11-12 Wimpole St







Can I complain?


Yes, you can make a complaint if you are, or have been a client of the London Nose and Sinus Clinic. 



Talk to a member of staff


Please speak to a member of staff first; we hope to be able to resolve your concern immediately. 



Talk to a director


If you feel your concern has not been addressed, it might be easier to talk to another member of staff, the director in charge. The receptionist or other staff member will be able to provide you with a contact number for the director. If the concern involves one of the directors, the other director’s details will be provided.



Written complaints


If you decide to put your complaint in writing please send it to the above address.


When writing in please include the following information:

  • Name and address of client

  • Date of Birth 

  • Name and address of complainant (if different from above)

  • Full description of complaint, including dates and times.



Can someone else complain on my behalf?


Yes as long as they have your written consent. If someone does complain on your behalf, we need to be sure they are acting with your permission before we respond.



Do I have to complain right away?


No, but you must make a complaint within 6 months of discovering the problem (providing this is within 12 months of the incident which caused the problem). 



How will my complaint be handled?


This process is called local resolution. Your complaint is registered as soon as it received and an acknowledgement will be sent to you within 2 working days.


The complaint will be investigated by a senior member of staff not involved in the concern, if this is possible. He or she will discuss the issue with the other members of staff and examine the notes and area in question.


You may be offered a meeting to discuss, and hopefully resolve, your concerns.


We try to complete our investigation and send you a written reply within 20 working days, where this is not possible (eg if a member of staff is away) we will let you know.


You have the right to complain directly regarding any aspect of our service to the Care Quality Commission who regulates our operation regarding this clinic. Their details are shown in this document and can be given to the service user on request.


The manager will send a copy and response to the CQC, as requested. 

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